Thursday, June 4, 2009

Struggling with carb cravings

I don't know why this is coming up again.  It doesn't make any sense.  I just really like fresh fruit.  This morning I had some cherries and fresh strawberries.  More than I probably should have had on top of my pbj.  I'm going to have to be more careful about that.  

I am down a pound.  I suspect that it was a result of two days of hardly eating anything because I felt so poorly.  I did exercise this afternoon.   I didn't have the endurance level I usually do.  The best approach under those circumstances is to work with the endurance level that you do have and not worry about comparing yourself to your best days performance.  I did 26 minutes of a step workout without risers and 20 minutes of a hi/lo tape.  I plan to do some yoga later.

One thing that I have noticed, is that I'm getting better about not needing to eat everything I make.  This afternoon, per request, I baked two cakes, one was orange and the other is apricot.  I wanted to taste them but I did not.  Yeah!  Thats a victory!!!  I enjoyed the baking process but because I ate a filling lunch of eggs and steak, I was not swayed by the lovely smell of freshly baked cake.  Wow.  If you bake or cook, you may understand how important this is.  

I've been thinking about a rotation style that was posted on the Cathe Friedrich forum but I don't remember the OP's original name, so I do apologize for borrowing your idea, I don't know who you are, please let me know if you read this.  The idea is to use a different kind of exercise every day of the week.  I have not been willing to do this in the past because there are only two exercises which have really put me into my target heart rate, step and walk/runs.  I did try the stationary bike a week ago and I really hurt my butt.  I couldn't hardly walk for three days.  It was ugly.   I did start out gung ho, I did 60 minutes in my THR.  I wonder if that was too much or if I should try folding up a towel to make the seat a little more tushie friendly.  I'm not willing to give up a day of jogging/walking.  I like how that improves my lower body.  I would be willing to add some stationary bike to days where my step workout is not long enough in my THR.  Also, on one of my jog/walk days I can add some jump rope now that it is warmer.  

Yesterday I got out there and did a 3 mile hike even though I didn't really feel like it.  I didn't even wear my hrm.  I just walked.  My endurance was down.  I'm guessing it was from being sick.

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